Attachment therapy

From MysteryWiki


  • Chaffin, M., R. Hanson, B. E. Saunders, T. Nichols, D. Barnett, C. Zeanah, L. Berliner, B. Egeland, E. Newman, T. Lyon, E. Letourneau, and C. Miller-Perrin. "Report of the APSAC Task Force on Attachment Therapy, Reactive Attachment Disorder, and Attachment Problems." Child Maltreatment 11.1 (2006): 76-89. Print.
  • Howe, David, and Sheila Fearnley. "Disorders of Attachment and Attachment Therapy." Adoption & Fostering 23.2 (1999): 19-30. Print.
  • Wirthlin, M. R. "The Current Status of New Attachment Therapy." Journal of Periodontology 52.9 (1981): 529-44. Print.