Tetris effect

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  • Holmes, Emily A., Ella L. James, Emma J. Kilford, and Catherine Deeprose. "Key Steps in Developing a Cognitive Vaccine against Traumatic Flashbacks: Visuospatial Tetris versus Verbal Pub Quiz." PLoS ONE 5.11 (2010): 1-9. Print.
  • Holmes, Emily A., Ella L. James, Thomas Coode-Bate, and Catherine Deeprose. "Can Playing the Computer Game “Tetris” Reduce the Build-Up of Flashbacks for Trauma? A Proposal from Cognitive Science." PLoS ONE 4.1 (2009): E4153. Print.
  • Okagaki, Lynn, and Peter A. Frensch. "Effects of Video Game Playing on Measures of Spatial Performance: Gender Effects in Late Adolescence." Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 15.1 (1994): 33-58. Print.
  • Stickgold, R. "Replaying the Game: Hypnagogic Images in Normals and Amnesics." Science 290.5490 (2000): 350-53. Print.
  • Stickgold, Robert, Laurie Scott, Cynthia Rittenhouse, and J. Allan Hobson. "Sleep-Induced Changes in Associative Memory." Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 11.2 (1999): 182-93. Print.
  • Skorka-Brown, Jessica, Jackie Andrade, Ben Whalley, and Jon May. "Playing Tetris Decreases Drug and Other Cravings in Real World Settings." Addictive Behaviors 51 (2015): 165-70. Print.